Friday, July 08, 2005

Jean-luc Gay

Jean-luc Gay

Men, in general, have a thing for jeans. Gay men take that a step further. Recently, at Mondy's, while the girls were drooling over a hunk in tight black tees and jeans, a certain pragmatic but brilliant young gay interior decorator/designer sitting next to me, observed with a nonchalant face, "O, he's got to be gay. Have you ever seen any self-respecting straight guy wear jeans that low?"

The point was valid, and the girls stopped drooling, ordering another pitcher of beer instead.

I know of another extreme case: I met this one particular specimen (a hook-up, naturally!) who's quite a great guy otherwise, working in an ad agency, but he just prefers to wear womens' jeans. When I inquired why, he replied, just as pragmatically as the decorator/ designer, "It just enhances my bulge."

Perfectly natural. (Why do you think they call us queer, anyway?)

I used to think this was absurd, though, till I told this tale to a close friend of mine, while visiting Delhi. This friend, who happens to be a talented architect and also moonlights as a fiesty salsa dancer, shrugged and says, "O, well, that happens a lot here in Delhi. Some people just aren't as equipped as we are, babes." Okay, so I made that last line up, but that just goes to show that saddi dilli is miles ahead!

Carrying on the jeans tale, I seem to have a penchant for going out jeans shopping with gay men. There have been so far, three occasions, the last being only Monday, when I was asked to do so. One has been a hook-up, one a fuck-buddy, and the last was Natureboy, who thought it would be good to meet up. In all three occasions, I followed the boys around, while they hemmed and hawed over styles, colours, textures and fits, and tried on 5-6 pairs each.

And of course, I peeked. I mean: how could you possibly expect me not to? It's ridiculous, especially for a hotblooded young man like me, who has no need to wear womens' jeans to show off his bulge(!!!). Changing rooms have the most convenient mirrors, if you're the peeping tom kind, and that's exactly what I did, catching a glimpse of sometimes a back, or a hairy chest, or a pair of strong legs, or a brief-encased butt, or even the telltale bulge!

I'm a jean-ie in a bottle: so come, come, let me be free! ;-)

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