Friday, October 28, 2005



Saw a terrible movie last weekend, called U Bomsi 'N' Me. Atrocious. There were gaps, far and in between, where you actually chuckle, but by and large it typified the low budget, low acting, Hinglish movie from the Nineties. Bunch of models, and the character who played Bomsi had an irritatingly nasal voice that made me want to bitch-slap him.

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Now that would have been appropriate, from yours truly... hehehe...

Saving grace was the cute guy, who of course has no idea how to act: Gautam Rode, who played this dumb Punju-Gujju mix called Sam 'Mac' Patel.

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I'll just give you a sample of how dumb the movie was, by giving you Sam's two alternate reasons for the 'Mac' in his name:

Reason 1: He's a product of the new Gen-Y, and is a regular at McDonalds. Yes, and this is the less stupid one.

Reason 2: His dad is Gujju, so he's a Patel; his mum was Punju and names him Sameer, which he shortened to 'Sam', because of the (you guessed it) Gen-Y influence; and his wife is a Goan Christian MacKinshaw, so he shortened that to 'Mac'.

Wow. Rocket Science.

Or at least, it would be, if I could create Rode in a test tube. I wouldn't mind being the ascetic then. ;-)

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